Soon after we arrived in Ajijic, a new neighbor asked if I’d been to Foco Tonal. I’m sorry? Oh, it’s this energy vortex and it’s pretty amazing. The name came up again when I joined a Facebook group – Spiritual Friends Lakeside – and connected with like-minded people, reminiscent of my Healing Touch days. Recently we went as a group to see this place. For the most part, Foco Tonal was not what I expected. But, then, this IS Mexico. It is rarely what you expect.

Foco Tonal, outside the small town of Cuitzeo, is known for its vortex that causes your voice to echo as if you were in a chamber, rather than standing outside within a low tile wall, on a pentagram. Is it cosmic energy or simply acoustic reverberation? Who knows, but in 1998 a “miraculous” healing took place and the owner of the castle agreed to the evolution of Foco Tonal as a public place of healing and wonderment. It is now widely known as a place people visit out of curiosity or the need to be healed or “recharged”. http://www.cronicajalisco.com/notas/2017/77535.html

Three men responsible

When we arrived some of us asked “Is this Disneyland?” I’d expected a serene, simple setting but what I found was a colorful castle that fronts the property, a playful “yard” splashed with rainbow colors and dotted with three tiled areas of concentrated energy. Skirted by a tumble of boulders scattered underneath a grove of plum trees, it is complete with little villages and toys left by ? for gnomes who are sometimes “caught” on camera. Who knows? Who am I to say? Many people visit and many experience something unusual. We spent 2 or 3 hours there, as a group of “spiritual friends”, searching for – common ground? Answers? Lessons?

The experience was different for each of us, before, during and after. You can indeed hear your voice echo and for many there was a strong sense of being pulled to earth or feeling heavy or tingly. The following day we dialogued about our experience on Facebook and found our experiences varied widely but left most of us initially tired, then energized. For me there were lessons about playfulness and letting go of being so serious.

After our experience at Foco Tonal we were all ravenous so we headed to the nearest big town, Ocotlán for lunch and a brief tour. It is an interesting place that I hope to explore again. We only had a short time to visit the cathedral and wander around the plaza. This is the second oldest cathedral in the state of Jalisco. Nearby is a statue of Christ that has history with a past earthquake. For me the fascination was the oversized chair. As an 8 year old girl I lived in Thomasville, North Carolina, one of the furniture capitals of the US. There was a huge chair in town right by the railroad station. Lyndon Johnson stood on and spoke from that chair on his campaign trail. I was there. Ocotlán is the furniture capital of Jalisco.

Dome of the Municipal building

Perhaps, in reality, the highlight of the day was this. While waiting for my friend at the bus stop, a Mexican man reminded me that I knew him as the security guard at a nearby gated community. Ah, yes! How could I forget this kind man who is always so helpful with my Spanish. The 3 of us got on the back of this heavily crowded, early morning bus together with barely standing room. Hand me your money, he said. No way he could make it up to the bus driver. We watched as he passed our money to the man in front of him telling him to pass it forward. Lo and behold, in seconds our change made its way back to Manuel’s hand, then ours. Amazing grace. THIS is Mexico.

Special thanks to Fabiola Rivera, the lovely Mexican leader of our group, who taught me so much about the landscape and history of the area and the Mexican attitude of joy and playfulness as we traveled from Ajijic to Cuitzeo. And for returning me safely home! Muchismo gracias, Fabiola!

6 thoughts on “WHAT IS FOCO TONAL?”

  1. Since we hadn’t talked about it yet I was so interested to read about your trip to Foco Tonal. Just as you felt, this was not what I expected. I love the photo of you looking so serene with the leaves about you forming a heart! I also love the story of the handing the money up to the driver and having the change hand by hand back to you. You’re right, this is México.

    1. You’re right!!! I didn’t even notice the heart when I posted the tree picture! Thanks for pointing that out.

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