Home at last, home at last…thank God Almighty, we’re home at last!

Going from this:

Mi hijo y mi nieta!

to this:


…was tough. But we got it done. The best part was seeing dear friends and eating in great restaurants. Thanks to all who took time to be with us, share with us. You are all so dear. Make no mistake – we DO miss you.

It took me two days to realize not every waiter/waitress wanted to hear me practice my Spanish. But in Cocoa Cinnamon I found a home! Including great Mexican inspired coffee and chocolate drinks like “La Frida” and “Tenochtitlan” (I did not realize this is the ancient name for Mexico City).

We finished our two weeks off with this:

Our lovely family!

And landed back in Guadalajara on Saturday 3/9/19. It was so very hard to walk away from my family. But I’m so happy to have seen how devoted Japhy and Toni are to sweet Hazel Grace. And so happy that Ben and I were able to spend quality time with them, holding little Hazie close (and whispering to her en espanol!). This child is well loved and well cared for.

Ah, Mexico. Home of contradictions.

First night out. New (to us) restaurant. The young chef and his staff ring a prayer bowl over each plate to bestow a blessing before serving. I was quite impressed. Is that why my salad tasted so good?

Back to warm, sunny weather. Back to the quirkiness of Mexico. Back to neighbors and bus rides and frequent shopping for necessities. Hopefully we can settle in now and figure out who we really are as retirees living in another country. I am ready to write and read and enjoy friends. Ready to stop trying to “get organized” and just live my life. Ready to strike up spontaneous conversations and explore neighborhoods. Explore Mexico. I’ll miss my 50 year high school reunion. I’ll miss my sweet granddaughter and her parents. I’ll miss how easy it is to find things and take care of things in Los Estados Unidos. All part of peeling back the layers of the onion. The many layers of letting go. I thought I’d done all that. Now I know it is a lifelong lesson. Surely more concentrated in this era of my life.

Here’s to life!

7 thoughts on “WE’RE HOME”

      1. Got it. It was an issue of writing the date as they do here, but I didn’t explain that! Thanks.

    1. Sorry to miss you! It was pretty hairy & we really didn’t get to see as many folks as we hoped. And an early Happy Birthday to you!

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