‘Tis the gift to be simple, ’tis the gift to be free/’Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be/and when we find ourselves in the place just right/’Twill be in the valley of love and delight. (Elder Joseph)

Tears roll down my face & my heart races as my material world comes apart all around me.  This has been a week of many shifts-the moving surveyor came to estimate our moving cost, the small roof & bathroom repairs turned into major changes, the estate salesman posted the first announcement of our sale on line, we had our final gathering of friends in this house…..Once or twice a week my “fight or flight” system kicks in & I have a meltdown.  (Thanks to my dear friend & acupuncturist Robin for helping me navigate.).  It’s all about wading through the “muck”.  Some days I’m better at it than others.

I feel like a racehorse some days, with short, straight pathways leading to periodic hurdles, some pleasurable, some painful.  There are days of mindless tasks listed on my day planner followed by events, hurdles, if you will-the moving survey, the adios party, the estate sale, the trip to Charlotte-Douglas International Airport for Global Entry interviews with a chance to see my son & daughter in law, the visit to the Mexican consulate for visas, a long delayed trip to see friends in Boone combined with a family baby shower for my granddaughter to be, movers coming to pack up our things & hit the road to Laredo, an unexpected reunion with high school friends…& eventually flying off to Guadalajara at the end of November.

Some of our friends are amazed, shocked, intrigued, excited, even jealous.  This is the biggest thing I’ve ever done in my adult life & my eye is on the prize.  A remake of my current self?  A simple life in Mexico.  ‘Tis a gift to be simple…

Will there come a time when I can SIMPLY run 1 errand & not feel like I have to pack 4 others in as well-since they’re right on my way?  Or simply sit reading for hours?  Have 1 or 2 books on my nightstand waiting to be read instead of 10 pushing me to “get on with it”?  (Surely you can tell by now that I am, I admit it, a bit OCD.  Coming from a preacher’s family where your home was constantly on display.  And being a good person meant being CONSTANTLY productive.)

We’ve complicated our lives so much in this country.  Years ago when I went to pick out a mattress there was one store to go to (in Boone) & they had maybe 10-12 mattresses.  The last time we shopped for a mattress 2 or 3 years ago in the Triangle there were probably 10 stores with 10 or more mattresses each to choose from.  We finally ordered online & we won’t even discuss the choices there.  Close your eyes & point.  It is out of hand.  We can get anything & everything in America.  Amazon will have it to you in a heartbeat.  We don’t have to wait.  We don’t have to be uncomfortable or inconvenienced.  And I am overwhelmed & exhausted by it.

This move is the chance to clean house, to clear out, to SIMPLIFY.  Of our 5 clothes closets that were once full only 2 still have clothes in them.  I have hauled load after load to thrift & consignment stores.  Our numerous bookshelves have large empty spaces now.  The sunroom & garage are full of estate sale items.  Photo albums & a few special objects are stored away.  The party is over & the next big hurdle-the estate sale-will leave us with a mattress, a table & 2 chairs & our kitchen wares (until the movers take those away November 5th).  We are peeling away layer by layer toward SIMPLICITY.  To the opportunity to have less, do less; making more careful, sustainable choices.  We have friends in Ajijic who have walked away from ALL their “stuff” & say now they could easily do it again.  I want to leave a smaller footprint on this earth, have only what I need or treasure, buy my food & wares at small family businesses.  Know that I’ve helped sustain & improve their simple lives.  I want to make a difference in this world.

‘When true simplicity is gained…to turn, turn will be our delight.”


11 thoughts on “‘TIS THE GIFT TO BE SIMPLE”

  1. For some reason, this blog made your move real to me. (Excuse me while I go get some tissue to dry my eyes). I will miss you! But I am happy for you and so glad that you and Ben are a team in this. I have known you long enough to know that it is a total change for you to be in the “getting rid of” state of mind. At some point we all learn that stuff really doesn’t bring us happiness and it is using up all the natural resources in the meantime. This is inspiring really, Chris. I look forward to continuing our relationship as you remake your life.

    1. Thank you dear friend. I will miss you terribly! Stay in touch through my blog or email. I’ll let you know about phone once I figure it out. Much love!

  2. Take care sweet friend; sorry I will be unable to see you before you go — but who knows — maybe we can still plan that trip/visit someday!. Admire your plan — not my time yet— stay well.

  3. Loved seeing you and hearing both of your stories. Thanks for including us. Came home and googled how to pronounce Ajijic! Looking forward to your stories when you get back down to regular life after the chaos…and of course the chaos makes good stories too… Inspired to travel there…..telling your story to friends with admiration and awe!

  4. So well written! Admire you both, could not do what you are doing, have a daughter you might feel that she could, but wish you only the best and the fulfillment of your dreams. Good health and tim to enjoy the change……

    1. Thank you Andree. I’m enjoying it. We really want to see you soon! Let us know when you’re available.

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