On May 2nd I posted a page titled FINDING MY WAY. This is part of what I wrote: “My confidence grows with each door that opens on this threaded journey I am on. Spreading my wings. Finding my place, my Light, in this new country. Growing in unexpected ways. I had no idea I would become this person I am today.” The journey continues. But with a new focus. This post is not really about me. Or Mexico.

Part of the reason we moved, as some of you may remember, was to step away from consumerism, comfort, security and convenience, to see if we could let go of our patterns in order to live a simpler life. Here we are. Now, how do I connect the dots between moving to Mexico, diving into a more spiritual life, my love for the elderly, my age, and the current state of the world?

Stepping out. I led a meeting of my “tribal” group, Spiritual Friends Lakeside, last week. We met at a beautiful retreat center/B & B (Villa Del Ángel), enjoyed a healthy breakfast, participated in a Summer Solstice meditation, and spoke of who we are and what we wish for. There are many spiritual groups here. James Twyman’s (MOSES CODE) NAMASTE community, a Buddhist Center, a center for discussion of A COURSE IN MIRACLES, a metaphysical discussion group, numerous yoga classes, etc. And I need that. Diving in. But with what goal, what purpose, outside myself. As I said above, how do I connect the dots?

“In the Face of Climate Collapse, We Need the Wisdom of Elders” https://truthout.org/articles/in-the-face-of-climate-collapse-we-need-the-wisdom-of-elders/

This article changed my direction, gave me hope, led me to other links that opened my eyes to the true meaning of being an ELDER, whether in Mexico or the United States. It made my intentions of healing work using sacred objects a gift of hope, an avenue of being present with intention and looking at the anger, grief, and despair many of us are feeling right now as a gift of the uncertainty and massive transition that we are in the midst of. It is no longer “business as usual”. We can no longer stay silent and remain in the current state of things. Joanna Macy, systems specialist, scholar, Buddhist teacher, and elder, says we must accept the gifts of strength and alertness of the present moment and use our power of intention to motivate us for the welfare of all. She says it is time to befriend our grief, fear, and outrage, instead of explaining it away. I hope you will watch this powerful 30 minute YouTube video. It is so very inspiring. Joanna Macy-The Hidden Promise of Our Dark Age/Bioneers @ https://youtu.be/vzmjF1jE2K0

I avoid the news. Ben fills me in once a day. It’s all I’ll allow. But what to do. My work with Healing Touch seems even more important now. It is one way for me to contribute as an elder to the possibility of change in a world in rapid transition. As I follow the thread I’ve discovered since reading the above cited article, I believe I will find other ways as well. I am planted in a country that respects their elders and listens to the spirit of their land. A people who appreciate the present moment. Remember JFK’s famous speech? “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” I would expand that now to say “What can you do for the WORLD?”. We are global. We are all in this together.

(I hope that you who read this will not find yourselves saying – “Oh, boy. Doom & gloom. I’m checking out on this blog.” This is real. This is personal. This is important. This had to be said. But I am still in Mexico, living and learning, traveling and exploring. Check in next time. Oh, and let me know your reactions to the article &/or video. I hope you will find them as inspiring as I did. Hasta luego!)

2 thoughts on “OUTSIDE MYSELF”

  1. Not doom and gloom at all. this is a powerful time for us all and especially those of us over 50, a time to realize our influence in a culture that promotes young and beautiful. As I age I sometimes feels invisible, but the article and video you shared give another side of my story. Thanks for posting and moving us all forward!

    1. Thank you so much for these words! It is indeed a powerful time & I feel I am just beginning to find my way. Let’s all move forward together!

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