is a very, very, very fine house!  We’ve been here 3 weeks today.  Hard to believe.  Our stuff arrived a week ago.  It’s funny how we pondered why we’d left some things & brought others.  Some of it was based on thinking replacement would be cheaper here.  But it’s not always true.  And there are some things we just plain miss.  But we’ll get over it.  After all, that’s part of the lesson of this whole adventure.  Remember?  Letting go.  We’ve worked hard to set things up-the house, the phone, utilities, etc.-& it’s been pretty exhausting I must say.  My only complaints about the house are 1) It’s cold in here some days!  We have a propane heater but don’t like the (subtle) fumes.  2) The water pressure in our shower is AWFUL!  We’ll be asking to install a pressure system after New Years.

We’ve found all the secondhand shops & scored some great stuff.  We’ve indulged in bags full of produce & GF goodies at the Tuesday Farmer’s Market.  We’re fairly proficient at taking the bus.  And we’ve done a lot of walking.  It’s relatively quiet up here & the neighbors are pretty friendly.  We have a couple of plans for Christmas but haven’t found any of the Mexican celebrations yet.  Maybe next year we’ll be more acclimated.  For now I’ll show you our house as it is for the moment.

Our gate from inside our tiny yard
Our terrace
Front porch/door
Ben’s new studio space
Living room
Ben’s in the kitchen
(I have no idea why this picture is larger!)
Our bedroom
Our bathroom
Let’s go upstairs
Our den (with smoking fireplace!)
My office space & exit to the terrace
Guest bath
Terrace sitting area
Stairs to mirador
Outdoor laundry area
Our Mountain view
Our Mirador view

And that’s it folks! Let’s see how it looks 6 months from now.  Hasta pronto!

20 thoughts on “OUR HOUSE…”

  1. I love all the colors. Merry Christmas to you guys. I bet you miss your leather couch. We love it!!!!!!!

    1. Miss the comfort but it wouldn’t look too good here in my opinion. Glad it worked out for you.
      Merry, Merry Christmas!

  2. It looks wonderful! What a relief to have your possessions arrive. I know this will be a great adventure! Merry Christmas!!!

  3. Thanks for the tour, Chris. Hope you are having fun! Oh, and Feliz Navidad.with lots and lots of love.

  4. Looks lovely, comfortable, except when chilly, but you have solved most of the other issues, you will take care of this one also. Looks like you have made a good choice, roomy, inviting, a great beginning! Be well and enjoy! have great holidays however you spend them! hugs to you both. Andree

  5. Chris this looks really lovely. I know it will take time to settle – but what a beautiful place to settle. Sending our love to you both. Pat and Phil

  6. Love the views you have! Awesome! What color is your home? Purpley pink? It is certainly colorful. Lisa

    1. Hi, Lisa! Hope all is well. I sure miss MSC & all you lovely ladies. Tell everyone hello.
      Yes, I call it Casa Mirada-That’s one color of purple which is actually darker than this. It is definitely a purply-pink. All the houses in our block are tan or orange. Very Mexican to use bright colors.

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