My Bags Are Packed…

I’m ready to go!

We have somehow balanced preparation for a month long vacation with winding Ben’s business down (including orders flying out the door!) for a few weeks now. It takes a lot more to go away for a month than I realized.

Do I have my passport? My phone/cord? Lights off? Trash out? Electronics unplugged? Mail stopped? Books to read? (thank you Kindle) Snacks for the plane? Dollars? Pesos?  Am I taking too much? the wrong things? My ticket? (why am I so reluctant to do e-tickets?) Ride to the aeropuerto arranged? (3:15 AM!!!) Do the right people know we’re leaving? (thanks to employee, neighbors & the police) Is the frig cleaned out? Compost out?  You get the picture!

Friends here have scurried to meet with us to say good-bye (we’re not moving yet guys!) & new friends in Ajijic have asked for our time when we get there. Feels good knowing you have friends in so many places. Thank you everyone.

So just how much Spanish DO I know? Many of you have asked-do you speak Spanish? I’ve been studying since January from several different sources & putting it to use anytime I can. Thanks to Gladys @ Restaurante Ixtapa, Julia on Facebook, signs in English & Spanish & every other opportunity I’ve had. I can count to 1000-last time I was at the Wednesday Market in Ajijic I was a nervous wreck because I couldn’t understand the prices called out. I ended up taking a list of numbers written in Spanish & vendors would graciously point to the right ones. I hope. I trust. Uno, dos, tres…..

Well, it’s another busy day & we’ll be going to bed very early so I’ll say good-bye for now. Nosotros vamos a Mexico mañana, primero de agosto.  I’m leavin’ on a jet plane…..see you in September!

4 thoughts on “My Bags Are Packed…”

  1. Loving reading this blog! So great, with wonderful details and honesty. Much love!

  2. Have a blast! See you on the return! For a meal together. Buenos noches mi amiga! Hola a Ben!
    Traveling mercies!

  3. All the best on your adventures — take good care of yourself and soak all the happiness in ….. will be thinking of you and sending good vibes…

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