Sometimes I think that any post I do has to be philosophical or simply about where we live and how we’re doing. We’re doing fine, by the way. Happiness has set in! But today I just want to acknowledge Mother’s Day. I am, after all, a mother. And proud of it. This is my first time so far away from my son on this special day, which makes it even more important to acknowledge how much I love him.

In Mexico Mother’s Day always comes on May 10th, no matter what day of the week it is. So this past Friday we noticed that some shops were closed and that lots of vendors were selling flowers on the street corners or by the careterra. Yesterday afternoon, strolling back to a friend’s house, we noticed many folks, especially women and children, dressed up and heading to the plaza. I’m not sure what was going on there – frankly, it’s too hot for me to be out much – but you could tell they were on a mission. I’ve said it before, Mother’s are revered here. They deserve a 3 day holiday for sure!

In the plaza there are photographic portraits of some of Ajijic’s elder women – Donas (sorry I don’t know how to do the Spanish spelling on this computer, just know that the “n” is pronounced as a “y”) – posted to remind us of the special mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers in our lives. It is a lovely tribute. Two of those women I have photographed and talked to myself in the past year. Delighted by each other, we ignored the language barrier and kept on talking. They touched my heart and I am always honored to see them in the village.

Three years ago on Mother’s Day my son introduced me to his new girlfriend Toni. This is it, Mom, he said. We’re going to get married. And you know that grand baby box? Well, you can check it, ’cause we’re gonna have grandchildren for you! Oh, it’s not for me! I exclaimed, with tears of delight. Toni and Japhy have been married for two and a half years now. And my first grand baby, as you know, arrived in January. I don’t know if either of them will ever read this but I want to tell them how happy I am to be his mom and to have her in the family, as daughter in law and mother of my granddaughter Hazie.

And there was, of course, my own mother, Dorothy Louise Jesson Clark, who died at the age of 86 after years of coping with Alzheimers. In the nursing home where I had been director, she was well loved and well cared for. It was there that my partner Ben asked her to play the piano for him. She had not played in 3 years and neither of us were sure she could do it after so much time and decline. But she did it! And it changed the course of her illness. Within a month she was no longer wheelchair bound but walking freely about in the halls of the nursing home. She spent her last days, months, filled with peace and joy and passing it on to others. I think of her so often. She was strong, loving and talented. Thank you for being such a good Mother to me and grandmother to my son. Bless you!