It’s hard to imagine that there will ever be rain again. I’ve never lived in such a dry climate, in fact I’ve only lived in North Carolina, so it’s a revelation to see how dry, brown, dusty, a place can actually be. I prefer green. That being said, the humidity has been higher than usual here lately – the 13% has risen to 44%! You can feel it and see it, for sure. Hopefully it is a precursor to rain.

There is an insect here, a cicada, that gringos call “rain birds”. Their mating call sounds like a buzz saw as they start up and over weeks they become louder and louder. Legend has it that once you hear them you are six weeks away from rain. It’s been a month now. I hope they’re right.

The air is heavy with heat exacerbated by smoke from recent forest (“scrub”) fires, from burning of fields to be plowed for planting, from dust, and from pollen produced by the gorgeous flowers that manage to bloom in the midst of it all. Ben finds it harder to do his mountain hikes now and the heat dictates more time in the house with doors and windows closed. We sneak out in the mornings and quickly run errands after my Spanish classes end at 12:30. By 2:30 or 3 we’re home, under the fans, moving slowly. Next year we will probably go away for the month of May. Like so many do. Now we know why. I leave you with photos from our morning walk. Even in the dryness there is so much beauty and delight to be found.

As I prepare to post this the skies over Chapala and Guadalajara to our east have darkened, the wind has kicked up, and the temperature has dropped. In the local news they say there is rain in the big city. I’m doing a rain dance. Come join me!

2 thoughts on “MORNING WALK”

  1. We hear you, we are starting a drought here, writing this as two waves of pouring rain have just come through. The first in a while. Amazing the vegetation that grows down there with no rain. Our summer has arrived, and in NC we also have a lot of humidity, as you know. Last week the day temperatures were over 94 and this was still May. But I must admit, having grown up without AC, don’t think I could do it now. Be well, keep the blogs coming, love reading them! Best to you both!

    1. Thanks so much for your loyal readership! Yes, truly amazing what grows here. All seasons. It’s only hot for 4-6 weeks so the popular thing for gringos is a “swamp cooler”. Costco. Haven’t done that yet, but next year……Take care. We miss you!

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