10 thoughts on “LOVE YOUR MOTHER!”

  1. Stunning pictures Chris. My kids at 9, 8 and 5 are aware of the environmental changes that are sadly happening and are constantly talking about it at the dinner table. One wants to become a vegetarian, one wants to put solar panels on his house when he grows up and the other wants to develop some sort of tool to clean water… their school just participated in a week of vegetarian meals at the school cafeteria and had a demonstration on Friday.

    1. I’m so glad that your children are aware & discussion is ongoing. And glad that their school is involved. (Hard to believe they’re so grown up.) I never intended for my blog to be about this but am glad people continue to read it. It isn’t as if Mexico isn’t in the mix!

  2. Chris, I have viewed this collection of pictures several times as it sure shows us the beauty of nature. Very calming to look at this collection!! All of us need to work on keeping the beauty.

    1. Hi Dear Charlene! I’m so glad you continue to view the photos to remind you of what we have here. GLOBAL CLIMATE STRIKE is going on Sept. 20-27. Hope you’ll read about it. Take care!

  3. How can anyone see these pictures and not want to protect what She has given us? Amazing to know you have seen all this beauty in person!

    1. Thanks, Andrée! I was kind of amazed at all the “Earth” pictures I have & all the traveling it took!

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