Ajijic, MX-Me
Each day brings a different story here, as all around the world.  We had a 5 day “please stay at home” suggestion from our governor.  Some took it seriously, some did not.  We traveled to town yesterday to 1) pick up a take-out bread and pizza order and 2) get money from the ATM since this is, after all, a cash economy.  The bakers were decked out in masks, gloves, and aprons.  The ATM customers were not.  Out of 6 folks, including me and Ben, only 3 of us were wearing masks and gloves.  When we got home we 1) put our clothes directly into the washer (and dried them in the sun), 2) wiped down all handles and food wrappers, keys and bank cards, then the counters we put them on.  Ben even baked his money in the toaster oven!

We’ve stayed home for 5 days now, except for the above, and we expect to be here a lot longer.  Predictions are that the surge will hit Mexico around April 15.  Some businesses are closed.  Most are not.  Some gatherings have been canceled.  Some have not.  Here, as everywhere, there is great concern about folks losing their jobs.  It is surely a time to reflect and to connect and to help when it’s safe to do so.  (As of this update on 3-25-20 the government here has ordered 20 more days of lockdown, but I doubt they will enforce it. And as Chuy my pool guy says…”It’s complicated. People need their money for their families.”)
Durham, NC-Onja
In NC, as of yesterday (March 24), Gov. Cooper has closed schools until May 15 , prohibited any gathering over 50 folks- so all gyms, movie theaters, dine-ins, non-essential businesses are closed. There is talk of mandatory stay-in-place, but Gov. Cooper is hesitant. Charlotte has the most cases, with Durham coming in second tightly with Wake Co.
At work, Roche is a manufacturer of a new Covid-19 test- as of Friday- so we are busy here! A new hotline set up just for customer questions on Covid-19. Since I support an instrument that measures Flu, there are a lot of updates and key issues (protocol for clinics is to test for Flu first and if that is negative, to test for Covid-19).
What I see?… It seems like those in the store are unconscious about the precautions- people coughing in the air not covering their mouth, folks getting too close, etc… I was wiping down everything and staying away from as many as I could but going down the aisle when others were just standing there blocking what I needed was frustrating.  Why are they not concerned?!
I don’t feel the push to Go/DO but now I can BE. It is nice for a while and I know it is temporary.


I returned from a trip to Argentina and Brazil a week ago yesterday (March 24).  All was open down there.  When I returned to Texas I decided to self quarantine because of being away.  I’ve heard all restaurants, gyms and bars are closed here.  You can get take out food only.  Just heard there is a stay home/safe work order that goes into effect tonight.  I’ve gone out for a walk almost every day.  I’ve passed others walking and we smile and wave and give each other space on the path.  I realize how uplifting it is to be outside, feel the breeze and the warmth of the sun and also the smiles of people I don’t know.  I’ve also realized that now it is best to walk early in the day as it is getting hot here in Texas!
Hi Cuz! We are all well as of now. Everything here is closed and we have to stay home except for essential things we absolutely have to do. Had to get groceries today and ordered them online so I didn’t have to go in the store.. just picked them up curbside! It feels very strange..especially having to stay away from other people! But better to be cautious! Take care of yourself and Ben! Stay well! I am sending you some pics showing you all of our empty stores.

I am glad to share a bit from our perch in the Bay Area of California. My husband and I have stayed home for about a week now per the shelter in place order. Many of my family members live in the area and we are all, more or less, fairly confined to our homes. There is a good feel in our great neighborhood. People are frequently out walking and everyone is supportive and friendly. In the grocery store,  there’s been so much panic regarding supply that many have been hoarding supplies. When I was in Whole Foods yesterday I sensed the fears of those around me and noticed some, with this social distancing order, are avoiding eye contact. Today was the first day that we could find any toilet paper; Safeway is now carefully rationing it out after they get deliveries. In general paper goods are difficult to obtain as is soup, beans, rice, frozen prepared foods, and disinfectant wipes. Many shelves at Whole Foods are frequently bare; however, Trader Joe’s has kept up fairly well with their lesser supply demands and their staff has continued welcoming and upbeat. And, yes, gyms, yoga studios, restaurants, pet supply stores…are all closed.  (Correction: Restaurants are open for take-out.) 





We are doing okay so far. We have been using used masks from the wildfire several years ago and had a bag of gloves left over from caregiving in 2006. They are old but still work. We are not leaving home except to get essentials. We are having organic veggies delivered on Friday along with milk. We have stocked up pretty well. Toilet paper is impossible to find, although we have enough for now. Restaurants are closed except for takeout. Some places are delivering. They have even closed down the recycle center. We work on the business, read, work out on the treadmill (me for a half hour every day), play music, read some more, clean out closets and drawers. My flight attendant friend who was previously a hospital administator and who helped me navigate through the corporate red tape when Tom was ill has died. It broke my heart. Other flight attendant friends are getting sick. I am afraid for them. I am glad I am not there.




I’m retired so I have no difficulties isolating myself. And if I can do it in the garden; so much better. secondary and universities are closed and the students study from home. So Berit has no ordinary lessons but keeps in touch with her students by mail, video chats … Charlotta and Jacob work from home and their kids go to preschool as usual. Karl-Johan, David and their families are not so affected by the corona crisis. Yet. Many companies are in trouble, and even if the government tries to help many will lose their job. We can go wherever we want, but are asked to stay home as much as possible.

St. Thomas, USVI-Margaret
We are currently under a Stay at Home order for all but essential personnel involved in health care, etc.  Trips to the grocery and drug store are allowed, with those stores limiting the number of people allowed inside at any given time. There have been 9 confirmed cases out of a population of 50,000. Because we are a resort area, many persons have traveled here but now all accommodations for visitors have been shut down and few visitors are left.
I have not been away from home but am told people are taking the situation seriously. We are very fortunate to have plenty of sunshine and warm breezes so we can spend time outdoors often.

NYC by way of Nebraska-Sydney
This is my daughter, Nora Smith, celebrating her 31st birthday last night, here in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Nora made a quick decision to leave NYC about 10 days ago after her office closed, and New York City was about to shut down. Better to work remotely from her mother’s former jewelry studio in Nebraska, than be isolated in her studio apartment on the 31st floor in Manhattan.
Thanks to all my friends and family who contributed to this post.  Stay well!
At the end of my last post I included some suggestions for self-care that I thought were sound advice.  It seems I may have been wrong.  Though those things wouldn’t hurt you, they also probably won’t do much to protect you.  Below is the poster for the WHO directions for hand washing that I was taught as a nurse.  You’ll find it useful when you click on the link to the article I’ve included, written by a young woman with a compromised immune system and a physician.
From Karen in California:  We are…all of us…in this together!  So true! Thanks Karen.

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