Endings & Beginnings

“What would my mother say???” She’d never believe I’m traveling to-& considering living in-Mexico!

After finding out the whereabouts of a former massage school teacher we made our way to AJIJIC, a small village filled with expats & friendly locals. Friendlier, smaller & less expensive than San Miguel (though not as architecturally charming). We were off & running.

It all started in January of 2017 when Ben & I returned from San Miguel de Allende after a week of mind boggling visuals. Sitting at the dinner table talking we began to realize that we were BOTH-1) inspired by what we saw 2) DONE with daily grind & 3) ready for an adventure.

A week from today we leave for a month long stay in the little village we’ve come to love. In the meantime we’ve read MANY, MANY books, websites & Facebook pages trying to figure out whether we want to live there, & if so, HOW? You can’t imagine how many logistics there are to it. Moving $ to US banks that accommodate expats, visiting the Mexican Consulate to apply for visas, setting up an estate sale & planning where to live temporarily after we sell off 85% of your STUFF. Stressful & exciting at the same time. It’s a good thing my nursing job ended 6 weeks early!

As I sit amid the chaos created in the effort to sort out what goes & what stays, after renewed contacts with friends & family in the past weeks (with more to come-we have to see everyone before we leave!), I find myself some days joyful & some days tearful & confused. But I know that doors have opened in mysterious ways & we pass through each one in wonder.

5 thoughts on “Endings & Beginnings”

  1. Lovely writing and look forward to more! Enjoy, be happy and tell us about it when you return, The picture Ben sent certainly looked beautiful, may you be happy and succeed to jump through all the hoops!

  2. Beautiful site, Chris. It does sound like a whole lot to deal with and I’m glad you have had the time to do it. What a wonderful adventure for you and Ben. I hope it will be all that you seek and more. I will miss you but will keep up with the blog.

  3. Chris, I’m thrilled to read of your courage to take on this adventure. Thank you for sharing. It brings tears to my eyes. Buena suerte!

  4. So excited for you and also jealous, envious, very happy, interested in the how’s and details, and may follow you in about 4 -5 Years. Wish it could be sooner. Thanks for posting your thoughts and feelings. I can relate in some ways from my own big moves cross country, but was never brave enough to leave the country! Congrats and I am rooting for ya!

  5. It makes me want to cry, yet I went through the same process. The going through stuff was interminable, the thinking I was never going to live in the States anymore was remarkable, but I knew there was no choice and that I had a beautiful home waiting for me, and that made it easy. You know that it is not an irrevocable decision and that you are doing it together. You have so many interests your life will be full. Looking forward to a new friendship!

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